Defragmentare: Bring Order to Chaos
Compo Entry Ludum Dare 42 - 2018-08-12
(No Audio, didn't make it in time)
- Sort the segments ascending as tightly aligned to the top left as possible.
- To clear a stage the minimum you have to do is move all segments out of the corruption zone in the bottom before corruption is completed.
- Once you put each file in order in the safe zone, a stage is done too.
- Drag a segment to move it. Alternatively click once to select and click again to place.
- Segments need the full width of their space free to move. E.g. if you want to move a piece one space to the left that is wider than one you need to move it somewhere else first.
Todos for a post jam version:
- Sound.
- Indicate the piece in hand transparently if it cannot be placed currently, to clear up the confusion about movement.
- Scoring animation to self explain the goals.
- A short pause after a stage ends to be able to look at what you have done.
- Play: Play in Browser - Submitted version (needs desktop)
- Play: Mac Standalone. Right click and allow open to start.
- Play: Windows standalone. 64 Bit. (copy out of downloads if it barks about dll not found)
- Play: Windows standalone. 32 Bit. (copy out of downloads if it barks about dll not found)
- Play: Linux standalone. Universal.
- Source: /monkeydom/ludum-dare-42-compo-monkeydom
- Twitter: @monkeydom
- Ludum Dare account: @monkeydom
- Ludum Dare game page: Defragmentare: Bring Order to Chaos
Tools used
- Engine: Unity 2018.2.2f2
- Sound (ended up with no sound *sadface*): /monkeydom/cfxr
Intermediate steps:
With 17h 27m gone from the clock, a random gamefiled presents itself, but no gameplay yet. This will be tough. Still uploading a version now for future benefit.
Still not yet a game. Although basic tile movement works now. It is now 25h 37m in. Uploading a version. This will be tight. Hope I still make it to a finished fun game.
Submitted a version I'm pretty happy with. Progression could be better, sound is definitely missing, as is a scoring pause and animation. However, I'm very pleased that the original idea worked out in that shape.
Intermediate versions:
HTML versions only playable on desktop due to Unity's WebGL limitations