Defragmentare: Bring Order to Chaos

Compo Entry Ludum Dare 42 - 2018-08-12

(No Audio, didn't make it in time)



Todos for a post jam version:


Tools used

Intermediate steps:

With 17h 27m gone from the clock, a random gamefiled presents itself, but no gameplay yet. This will be tough. Still uploading a version now for future benefit.

Still not yet a game. Although basic tile movement works now. It is now 25h 37m in. Uploading a version. This will be tight. Hope I still make it to a finished fun game.

Submitted a version I'm pretty happy with. Progression could be better, sound is definitely missing, as is a scoring pause and animation. However, I'm very pleased that the original idea worked out in that shape.

Intermediate versions:

HTML versions only playable on desktop due to Unity's WebGL limitations